Lynwood Unified Accepted into National Network of Innovative School Districts

Lynwood Unified has been accepted into the League of Innovative Schools, a national coalition of forward-thinking K-12 school districts that work together to improve outcomes for students through the use of learning technologies.

The network is organized by Digital Promise, a nonprofit organization that strives to accelerate innovation in education and improve the opportunity to learn for all through technology and research.

Lynwood Unified was selected from a competitive national pool of applicants based on its leadership, evidence of results, innovative vision for learning and commitment to equity and excellence.

“We are honored to be included in this national network, which will work to create new practices that prepare young people to thrive in a changing world,” LUSD Superintendent Gudiel R. Crosthwaite said. “As a District, we continually strive to inspire our students through technology; we now have valuable partners in that effort.”

The League of Innovative Schools, launched in 2011, accepts new members through an open application process annually. With its newest members, the League includes 114 school districts in 34 states.

“The League of Innovative Schools works to advance equitable opportunities and outcomes for students and solve challenges facing schools through powerful use of learning technologies and research,” said Kim Smith, executive director of the Digital Promise League of Innovative Schools. “We welcome our new League members and look forward to working with them to further catalyze positive change in public education.”

League members are represented by their superintendent, who commits to:

  • - Attend biannual League meetings, which feature classroom visits, collaborative problem solving, and building relationships with peers and partners;
  • - Participate in League challenge collaboratives on a broad range of topics relevant to the changing needs of school districts;
  • - Support Digital Promise research and provide feedback so it translates easily into classroom experiences and expands what we know about teaching and learning;
  • - Engage with entrepreneurs to advance edtech product development steeped in the latest learning science and meets district needs; and
  • - Participate in the League’s professional learning community by connecting with other members online, in person and at each other’s school districts.

In addition to superintendents’ participation, there are also opportunities for other school administrators, principals and teachers from member districts to participate in League and Digital Promise-related initiatives.

The League will officially welcome new members at its fall 2019 meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 16 in Loudoun County, Virginia, where more than 250 superintendents, district leaders, partners and researchers from across the country will convene.
