Parent Involvement
The Governing Board of Lynwood Unified School District recognizes that parents/guardians are their children’s first and most influential teachers and that continued parental involvement in the education of children contributes greatly to student achievement and a positive school environment.
In order to engage parents/guardians positively in their children’s education, the Superintendent or designee shall ensure that staff members at each school:
- help parents/guardians develop parenting skills and provide home environments that support their children’s academic efforts and their development as responsible members of society;
- inform parents/guardians that they can directly affect the success of their children’s learning and provide them techniques and strategies that they may use to improve their children’s academic success and help their children in learning at home;
- initiate consistent and effective communication between the home and school. Parents/guardians shall be informed when and how to help their children to support classroom learning activities. The school shall learn from the parents/guardians how to provide the most conducive educational environment for the student;
- promote training that fosters effective and culturally sensitive communication with the home, including training on how to communicate with non-English speakers and how to give parents/guardians opportunities to assist in the instructional process both at school and at home;
- encourage parents/guardians to serve as volunteers in the schools, attend school performances and school meetings, and participate in site councils, advisory councils, and other activities in which they may undertake governance, advisory, and advocacy roles. Procedures for joining or being appointed to those organizations shall be clearly communicated to the parents/ guardians.
School Site Councils shall develop and review annually a parent involvement policy to increase involvement with their children’s education, including measures designed to assists parents/guardians with cultural, language or other barriers inhibiting participation.
The parent/guardians of children enrolled in Title I programs shall be involved in the planning, designing, and implementing these programs in a systematic and informed fashion. They shall have regular opportunities to make recommendations on the educational needs of their children and on ways in which they can help their children benefit from the programs.
The Superintendent or designee shall develop procedures that help participating school plan, implement, and expand effective parental involvement. At each of these schools, a written policy shall be developed with the participation of parents/guardians and distributed to them, describing how program requirements specified in law will be carried out. The policy shall be updated periodically to meet the changing needs of parents/guardians and the school.
Through consultation with parents/guardians, the Superintendent or designee shall annually assess the effectiveness of the district’s parental involvement policy and programs and revise them if necessary. He/She shall identify barriers to greater involvement and determine what action, if any needs to be taken to increase parental involvement.
During the conferences, the teacher will provide information about your child’s strengths, weaknesses, and social, physical, and emotional behaviors at school. Use these conferences as a way to get to know your child’s teacher, your child’s classroom, and to help your child progress.