Human Resources » Commonly Requested Forms for Employees

Commonly Requested Forms for Employees

Following are the most commonly requested HR forms. Please select an area to learn more about the form and where to submit information. For questions or forms not found here, please call us on extension 8022 or 310-886-1600. We'll be glad to help!
Please download and complete the change of address form below. Submit directly to Human Resources via school mail or to [email protected]
Please download and complete the request for a leave of absence below. Once you have all the supporting documents, have your direct supervisor sign the form, then submit the form to Phyllis Palacios in Human Resources.
You can find more detailed information about leaves here.
Please complete the Verification of Employment form below. Send to Orene Tovalin in HR through school mail or to [email protected]. Please allow 3 business days for a form to be complete.
For a certificated transfer request, please complete the form below. For details about transfers, please refer to Article XII of the LUSD / LTA Bargaining Agreement. When you've completed the form, please send it to Certificated HR through school mail or email a scan to [email protected].
We're sorry to see you go! To notify the District of your retirement or resignation, please complete the form below. Be sure to review the form with your principal or supervisor and get their signature. Then send the form to Human Resources via school mail or to [email protected].